Heating System

Hot Water Schematic



  • This is the heat storage tank with its insulating lid off.  It is kind of obvious why we call it the octopus.

To Use Cabin Heat

  1. Turn on the heat breaker on the 12v panel
  2. Turn on the system heat
  3. Set the thermostat for desired temperature
  4. Turn on the air handler fans (fans will not go on unless thermostat is calling for heat)
  5. Set the vents

To Use Hot Water

  1. Turn on the heat breaker on the 12v panel
  2. Turn on the system heat
  3. Wait 5 minutes for water to heat up
  4. Turn on heat exchanger pump (timer switch in head)
  5. Set diverter valve at point of use for hot water
  6. Turn on water pump (timer switch at sink)
  7. Use the diverter valves to select and then prime the hot water